jueves, noviembre 30, 2006

Humildad ante el mercado

Excelente comentario.....
Al parecer esto es todo suba…. En estos momentos del ejercicio las primas se destruyen con muchísima facilidad, las operatorias más exitosas y con ganancias más rápidas están en la venta… La tendencia en este ejercicio fue claramente alcista, todos los sistemas funcionaron, todos estamos contentos por los aciertos y el crecimiento de nuestros saldos… pero no olvidemos que la operaria que pasó es la más fácil de todas y que el mercado es simétrico con la suba y la baja. La verdad es que hay que caminar con pie de plomo, suma prudencia, y con humildad absoluta ante el Dios Mercado.
Jue 30 Nov 2006 9:58 am

miércoles, noviembre 29, 2006

Ciclos y fibonacci

Los movimientos son rapidos. Los osciladores no alcanzan a absorber el movimiento debidamente ya que solo pueden seguir la tendencial respetando el marco de “normalidad”. No hay normalidad parece ser y los 2000 puntos son un hecho sin mas. Solo 39 puntos del merval nos separan de ese nivel psicológico, ya que la anterior barrera (1952.93) ha sido demolidad hoy(1961.18).

El unico movimiento destacable que si y solo si absorbe como buen amortiguador los movimientos (valga la redundancia) son los fibonacci. Ya lo decia mantrell que el comportamiento actual del indice es otrora otras epocas : las correcciones solo respetaban como soportes los fibos. Sin mas. Es asi.

El movimiento del 27-nov hizo soporte sobre el miniciclo zigzag del 61.8% y de alli salio disparado. Me cuesta aun asumir esta situación pero suerte lo he realizado a tiempo.

Con esto queda allanado los caminos del 2000. Llegaremos esta semana o la que viene?

lunes, noviembre 27, 2006


Si la correccion esta en marcha los targets serian para el merval argentina :

1324 (38.2)
1300 (50.0)

Targets posibles de papeles :

Ggal (2.34) : 2.22
Acin (4.73) : 4.60/4.50
Erar (22.40) : 21.5

Los teddis duermen tranquilos. Buenas dias.

El viernes decia :

Demasiada euforia instalada Merval
Demasiada euforia instalada Se puede apreciar en los foros la euforia desmedida. Cualquier papel garcha sube, cualquiera es analista y festeja el acierto por demas. La euforia llega a niveles que no se festejan los aciertos sino se exarceba por demas el haber dejado de comprar!Demasiada euforia que nos indicaria algun nivel de inicio de distribucion. En un par de semanas sabremos...
Etiquetas: Merval

de Quesnay
La verdad no tuvimos que esperar dos semanas para ver que rapido limpiaron el market. Sres bienvenidos a la esperada correccion.

domingo, noviembre 26, 2006

Ya se acerca nochebuenaa, ya se acerca navidad!!!!!

Falta tan poco!!!! Estos pinchas del toor que siguen ganando!!! Y nosotros que seguimos ganando sufriendo!!!!! Por Dios!!!! ya tolero tan poco sufrir asi jugando a veces para el orto, pero somos boquita y ese es nuestro espiritu!!!!
Salud TRI-TRI-TRI!!!!!!!

viernes, noviembre 24, 2006

Se viene el fin de semana!

Demasiada euforia instalada

Se puede apreciar en los foros la euforia desmedida. Cualquier papel garcha sube, cualquiera es analista y festeja el acierto por demas. La euforia llega a niveles que no se festejan los aciertos sino se exarceba por demas el haber dejado de comprar!

Demasiada euforia que nos indicaria algun nivel de inicio de distribucion. En un par de semanas sabremos...

Libro Trading recomendable

Me baje del burro este libro. Me parecio muy bueno porque en los charts contiene muchas anotaciones hechas a mano y esto sirve para demostrar mejor lo que piensa el trader.


Posible bandera con soporte en el tenedor? Si rompe el soporte del tenedor anula todo.

El respeto por lo superior....

Venia escuchando en la radio la epopeya de Tommy Heinrich y no pude sin mas recordar esas epocas de pendejo donde hice durante un tiempo escalada en el Cenard. Años despues de haber escuchado a este eximio escalador me doy cuenta como siempre se debe respetar a lo que lo supera a uno. Nunca mas bien identificado con el mercado. Al mercado se lo respeta y no se lo subestima.

"Su epopeya mental y física consistente en escalar –y en poder escalar, con todo el trabajo previo que implica–excede absolutamente lo deportivo, e insume un sacrificio extra, como si fuera un arte. " - dice un reportaje que encontre en la red.

Lastima que ya se me paso el colectivo con la escalada, pero las similitudes espirituales me siguen sirviendo como aquella vez...

jueves, noviembre 23, 2006

Revistas de Bolsa


De : http://short-termtrading.blogspot.com/



Este pibe lo he leido varias veces en S&C

Michael Milken: 15 Years Later

Considering Michael Milken: 15 Years Laterby:
David Silverman

Milken was front-page news for his junk bond indiscretions just 15 years ago. Can he be forgiven?
One recent morning when the markets were slow, the topic of the day among some traders turned to Barry Bonds – specifically whether Major League Baseball should expunge the San Francisco slugger’s extraordinary hitting achievements from the record book because he used steroids. This led to further discussion about whether Bonds should be admitted into the Hall of Fame when he retires. There seemed to be a consensus that he should not be so honored; that severe punishment must be meted out to anyone who breaks the rules of baseball.While I am reasonably certain if an illegal drug were invented that improved trading performance, every one of these Machiavellians would hook themselves to an IV drip at the start of tomorrow’s trading session; this “judge, lest ye be judged first” attitude only mirrors society’s tendency to hold celebrities to a higher standard. It is, of course, in the court of public opinion that public perception is formed, and with the contempt in which he is held by most fans in the wake of the scandal, Bonds could spend the rest of his life working with lepers and still not emerge from disgrace. It is an unfortunate reality in the 21st century that once People magazine renders a negative verdict, it becomes extremely difficult for the convicted to win back hearts and minds. Legacies are subjective judgments, determined in trading rooms, offices and bars, in newspapers, books, on television, and in the case of Barry Bonds, in the right-field bleachers.While I don’t care much about Barry Bonds, this subject is interesting because it has been almost 15 years since Michael Milken walked into a federal penitentiary in November 1990 to begin his sentence for securities fraud, and the similarities between the two cases are inescapable. Like Bonds, Milken accomplished unimaginable feats, got caught breaking the rules of his game, disappointed his friends and colleagues and caused serious economic damage as a result of his transgressions. Public opinion about him is deeply entrenched.But the similarity between Milken and Bonds or any other public figure caught with a hand in the cookie jar must be seen in context. Unlike Milken, none of them created a multi-trillion-dollar market from scratch; none enabled hundreds of companies to grow and prosper; none earned billons in salary and trading profits; none paid more than a billion dollars in penalties; none have contributed hundreds of millions to charity; none are credited with saving thousands of potential victims of prostate and other cancers, and none of them are changing the way that medical research is funded, conducted and shared.Milken is one of those rare individuals whose accomplishments and blunders are so gargantuan that they force us to view him as larger than life. It is one thing to hit 73 home runs; it is quite another to change the world. The true impact of extraordinary human beings can only be properly determined by future generations. But that never stops us in the here and now from taking a crack at it.One Man’s Junk Is Another Man’s TreasureQuestion: What do Ted Turner, Craig McCaw, Sumner Redstone, Barry Diller, Ron Perelman, Michael Eisner, John Malone and Rupert Murdoch have in common, besides a spot on the annual Forbes list of richest Americans? Answer: Michael Milken, who put them there. It should be noted that Milken’s name is on that list as well – and all because of a whole lot of junk.Junk, of course, refers to high-yield instruments companies issue when they do not have sufficient collateral to tap into traditional debt markets. Essentially, companies that have fallen on hard times or start-ups with little revenue are forced to offer investors a higher rate of return than more stable companies whose prospects seem comparatively secure. The term “junk,” which even today is used in place of the more accurate and less pejorative “high-yield,” indicates what Wall Street thinks about this type of financing. Wall Street, as it turns out, was way behind Milken in its understanding of how these instruments could be used to build businesses, motivate managers, promote accountability or stimulate investment in technology and new industries.Milken’s genius was in recognizing two things that seem self-evident now, but which were considered dangerous heresy 35 years ago when he began his career with an obscure investment bank named Drexel. First, following the teachings of academics W. Braddock Hickman and Thomas R. Atkinson, Milken knew that high-yield bonds tend to perform better than highly rated instruments over the long run. But, you ask, what about defaults? It turns out that the principle holds true even after taking into consideration the possibility that some junky companies will fail; the majority won’t, and the premium that is paid over market interest rates is fair compensation for the risk the investor assumes. The second insight seems counterintuitive on its face but is no less empirically valid: the best returns in corporate bonds occur when the market is pessimistic, and the worst, when the market is confident. By determining the degree to which the market is overly pessimistic or overly confident, the prescient investor can buy debt at a discount or sell at a premium to the true value of the instrument. As the market for junk proliferated in the late 1970s and throughout the ‘80s, Milken made his company, himself, the traders who worked with him and his clients fabulously wealthy because he knew the true value of these securities better than anyone on the planet.In general, there were two ways that Milken employed high-yield securities. Most of the deals he created were intended to raise capital for companies that wanted to restructure or grow, but that, for a variety of reasons, could not raise money without paying a premium to investors. High-yield bonds would be issued, and Milken and his salesmen would sell them to investors. Their compensation came in the form of sales commissions, but often Drexel would buy a portion of the offering for its own account and profit eventually if there were gains. In those years, Milken’s bonds performed spectacularly well, and acting as both principal and agent enabled Drexel to extract the maximum profit from Milken’s work.Milken received at least a third of every dollar made. A second purpose was for leveraged buyouts, more commonly known as LBOs. In an LBO, the buyer of a company borrows funds to purchase the company, using the company itself as collateral for the loans. Because some hostile takeovers during the 1980s were financed by means of an LBO, Milken’s name became associated with this sometimes distasteful practice, notwithstanding the fact that only a small percentage of junk bond deals – on the order of three percent of the entire total between 1980-86 – were used in hostile takeovers.When Gordon Gekko, the corrupt corporate raider in the 1987 movie Wall Street, lectured that “greed is good, greed works,” it was the infamous Ivan Boesky who was being skewered. Boesky, who around that time was exposed as a petty thief in an expensive suit, was an associate of Milken’s – one of countless money managers with whom Milken communicated and did deals. Yet when Milken’s compensation of $550 million in 1987 was disclosed, a year in which most Americans saw their own net worth plunge, the country’s collective enmity focused almost exclusively on Milken. When the attorney general of New York, a determined prosecutor named Rudolph Giuliani, took aim at Milken, it was clear that the government would do whatever it took to send the financier to jail.This is not to absolve Milken of responsibility for his downfall. He ultimately plead guilty to six relatively minor counts of securities wrongdoing, and the saga of the legal battles leading to his capitulation is well documented in dozens of books. Some critics excoriate Milken while others allege that he was the victim of a massive government witch hunt: a perfect scapegoat for the stock market crash, for the jobs and pensions lost in corporate raids, for handmade alligator shoes, power ties and silk suspenders decorated with dollar signs.One thing about which virtually everyone agreed is that Milken represented what disgusts people most about Wall Street – the desire to win at any cost. It was difficult for workers who lost their jobs because managers with stock options wanted to boost profits to feel any sympathy for or empathy with a man who made $550 million in a single year. They could not see that junk bonds enabled existing and new companies to flourish instead of wither, to employ thousands of workers who otherwise would have been terminated, to create thousands of new jobs, or to promote exciting new technologies in a dozen industries that improved the quality of life for millions. For those workers, Milken’s paycheck was evidence enough that he must be guilty of some heinous crime. In the end, all they saw were the garish suspenders.Beyond Junk, Beyond Markets: Michael Milken’s Greatest Challenge“It is time to rethink the War on Cancer, moving from a war of attrition to a new plan of attack…the solution lies in a committed and sustained international mobilization…financial and human capital from around the world needs to be mobilized. At the same time we must dramatically expand the level of private sector involvement… to create “virtual laboratories” that will enable researchers to collaborate and pool their resources without wasteful duplication of time and effort.”These are the words of Michael Milken in a speech delivered at the National Cancer Summit in Washington, D.C., in November of 1995, about two years after his release from prison. It also happened to be about two years from the time he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and told he had, at most, 18 months to live.Unwilling to accept the dire prognosis, Milken attacked cancer in the same aggressive manner as he conducted the affairs of his trading operation. A student again, he educated himself about the disease, using his prodigious intellect to devour medical textbooks, journals, mainstream and alternative literature. He studied standard cures and combined his chemotherapy and radiation treatments with homeopathic remedies. He radically altered his diet from a trader’s cheeseburger-centric menu to one that included soy products, colorful fruits and leafy vegetables. He began to practice yoga and set aside time each day for meditation. He also was determined to learn everything he could about the way disease is studied – how it is funded and managed and how researchers turn their findings into practical applications. This was no academic exercise, nor was there a commercial goal in sight. Milken was determined to save his life by eradicating prostate cancer before it could kill him.The more Milken learned, the more appalled he became at the waste and pointlessness of much of the research that was being performed. It became clear to him that he could play a vital role in helping to transform an inefficient system. The 1995 speech to the National Cancer Summit is his manifesto, in which he spells out ten specific principles that will save countless lives and result eventually in the eradication of many kinds of diseases, including various types of cancer. Central to these principles is a fundamental recognition that the United States must lead the way in this massive worldwide mobilization. (Milken’s manifesto and imperatives – in fact, the entire speech, entitled “Rethinking the War on Cancer” – can be found on the Internet at http://www.fastercures.org/sec/war_on_cancer.Milken’s ideas were embraced slowly at first. But as positive results started flowing in – for example, it is estimated that thousands of lives have been saved simply by educating the at-risk population that one needs to be vigilant in searching for evidence of prostate or breast cancer in order to catch it early when it is relatively easy to treat – the medical establishment could not ignore the persuasive logic of Milken’s reasoning.In ensuing years, a decade since his death sentence was delivered, Milken personally contributed and raised hundreds of millions to fund research and educate the public (his Prostate Cancer Foundation is the largest private sponsor of prostate cancer research) and worked tirelessly to convince doctors, researchers and bureaucrats as to the worth of his approach. Amazingly, every personal strength that Milken used to rule the junk bond market played a part in his “takeover” of the medical establishment – his passion to win, intellectual acuity, highly evolved sales skills, vast personal wealth (even after paying over a billion dollars to settle his case in 1990, he still remains a billionaire, according to many sources), and intense desire to prolong his own life.In a recent interview, Milken provided some insight into the connection between his past and present endeavors: “I believe the person who waits for 110 percent of the facts to be in…is a person who is not alive because it’s too late for him. I worked in a field where ten seconds is a long decision process…now people will say, that’s a short period of time, and I say, no, it’s not. I’ve prepared my entire life to make that decision…getting off that inertia of making a decision qualifies well in building something.”In a November 29, 2004, Fortune magazine cover story, entitled “The Man Who Changed Medicine: Thousands of Men are Living Longer and Leaders Everywhere Are Taking Notice,” Milken is praised for galvanizing almost inconceivable progress in the war against prostate cancer. In fact, since he became involved, the death rate has declined four times more than for other types of cancer.Moreover, Milken’s work has been credited with influencing other philanthropists and high profile individuals who have been affected by sickness to commit their own resources and efforts. Bill Gates is intimately involved in a campaign to eradicate malaria; Lee Iacocca is a leader in the war against diabetes; Michael J. Fox is committed to finding a cure to Parkinson’s Disease; the late Christopher Reeve and Dana Reeve have led in the battle to cure spinal cord injuries; Lance Armstrong is known as much for his Live Strong Foundation as for riding a bicycle through the French countryside; and countless celebrities have come forward in the battle against breast cancer, AIDS and many other diseases that might otherwise remain unknown and unresearched. While these are separate efforts, they are all connected by a similar thread. Michael Milken has convinced people that it is not enough to simply write a check, but that fighting a disease is like fighting a war, and no war has ever been won without profound personal commitment and sacrifice.“Michael Milken changed the culture of medical research… what he’s done is now the model,” says Andrew Von Eschenbach, director of the National Cancer Institute. It is interesting to note that if one were to replace the words “medical research” with the word “investing,” the statement would be equally indisputable. Of Redemption and Legacy: Can We Forgive the Sins of Michael Milken?Clearly the work Michael Milken has done in the last decade has earned him a measure of respect and gratitude in the public arena. Perhaps the most interesting thing that has been said comes from Rudy Giuliani, the man who sent Milken to prison and now is his close personal friend. Bound together by history, and in one of those curious coincidences that hints that events are not random, the prostate cancer that afflicts them both, Giuliani says, “I realize now that I didn’t know him then. The man I know now is able to do tremendous things. He took the tremendous talent he had in business and is using it to fight prostate cancer. What more could you ask for?”Notwithstanding the platitudes, there remain many people in the financial world who will never forgive Milken’s transgressions, and it is not so easy to dismiss the criticisms of these naysayers as illegitimate. The Milken saga raises profound existential questions, most notably: Does the end justify the means, and are some crimes so reprehensible that they cannot be excused? These are questions that I am hardly competent to answer, and unless they change the name of this publication to Stock, Futures and Philosophy, perhaps somewhat out of place. But I do know one thing. Whatever you think about Michael Milken, if, at your next checkup, your doctor tells you that your PSA level is elevated, you are extremely fortunate that Michael Milken is no longer locked up in prison serving time for securities fraud.

Naturaleza de los puntos pivots

Cup & Handle invertido en carc??????

Que rara figura no????
Hay que seguir para ver si resolvio asi o no....

Merval Argentina-Intacto el techo anterior aun


La mm5 y mm13 estan juntas. Hay que ver si corta o sale como soporte de alli.
La BB a punto de definir muestran la escasa volatilidad.

miércoles, noviembre 22, 2006

EL metodo Pesavento

Extraido del libro "Fibonacci ratios with Pattern Recognition" de Larry Pesavento.
Dice en su prefacio :
"Cada uno de estos patrones esta basado sobre ratios y proporciones. Un chart no es mas que un mapa con un eje de precios y tiempo"
No mucho mas que decir, el chart habla por si solo...

acin - zigzags cruzados

Este papel es de respetar muy bien los movimientos en forma de zigzag. Ahora esta en zona de definicion. Para donde lo hara?

TS - Triangulo simetrico mayor y bandera

martes, noviembre 21, 2006

Una de Fraca....

Comprando y vendiendo volatilidad

Me parece un libro sumamente interesante ya que procede a explicar desde la base misma el concepto de la volatilidad. Y a partir de aqui procede a iniciar el viaje al concepto propio de lo que son opciones.

lunes, noviembre 20, 2006

Merval Intradiario lunes 20-noviembre-2006

1900 resistencia psicologica?

Si activa la cuña podria buscar un zigzag perfectae.

Anagramas, criptogramas y varios


Muy interesante el blog.

Carboclor - Zona de resistencia?


Puede ir a buscar 70?

viernes, noviembre 17, 2006

zigzag perfecto del intradiario del Merval

Tranquilidad...se viene el fin de semana...

Filosofia bursatil

Que cantidad de temas juntos…. Me parece que la buena operatoria bursátil esta ajena al plazo en el que permanecemos en el mercado. Tuco no puede entender como alguien puede permanecer dentro del mercado tanto tiempo y no aprovechar las correcciones y las alzas que él tan claro en el paso él ve. El Comandante pinta al trader como un tipo súper neurótico frente a tres monitores, viviendo en un departamentito de medio ambiente, sin ventanas y sin posibilidad de ir a veranear ni a las Toninas, también creo que se va al carajo. Jejejeje. Las buenas posibilidades de viajar y rascarse el higo cuando a uno se le canta también son del trader, es más creo que el trader puede llegar a dormir mejor sabiendo de la liquides de su capital de inversión, por otro lado el trader hace menos ostentación turística. Jejejeje. Creo que lo bueno del mercado es que hay mil millones de forma de operar, y lo único que invalida estos distintos métodos, es la personalidad de cada uno. Lo que noto es la cultura bursátil de los que tienen ya varios años en esto, por lo menos en este país, los foristas viejos y de renombre en este y los otros foros, sin perjuicio de ser AF, AT, Inversor de corto, mediano o largo plazo, todos coinciden en la temática de analizar, PREDECIR, e invertir. Muchachos donde hago el curso de adivinación? No sean canutos… jajajaja… Ya se que todos uds. se leyeron TODOS los libros y tiene MUCHOS años en esto, pero me cuesta creer en la posibilidad del hombre de adivinar el futuro, la explicación está en que parto del razonamiento de aleatoriedad del mercado, en tanto que, por ejemplo, el Comandante tiene plena fe en su análisis de valor y corre con la premisa de que la razón la tiene él y por el momento el mercado es irracional o esta equivocado y en el futuro su análisis prevalecerá , O el caso de Tuco que al igual que Maslaton (Tuco: escuchalo los Miércoles a las 20hs. http://www.fmradiocultura.com.ar/radio_en_internet.htm ) con toda precisión dicen el mercado hará esto, aquello, lo otro, y además tal mes. Pero esto está por demás instalado en el ambiente bursátil… será así el tema? Por internet se ven muchos portales dedicados a esta temática con mucha trayectoria en el tiempo… pero también existen muchas otras donde ni se discute lo aleatorio del mercado, donde la buena o mala operatoria esta centrada en lo no emocional del sistema, en estrategias de Gestión de Riesgo y Dinero, en el desapego absoluto tando del activo operado como de la posición tomada , y en el trabajo de NO ADIVINAR el movimiento del mercado.


Merval Argentina

Confrontacion de soporte de mediano plazo.

El zen de la lectura de charts

Me pasa ya muchas veces que solo quiero ver el chart de creaciones ajenas. Quiero decir que no necesito ver que explicaciones da un autor acerca de todo lo que plasmo en un chart. Mirando solo lo que hizo se lo que ve y no necesito mas. Lastima que en el mercado local hay tan pocos que comparten lo que ven en un dibujo.
Ya parece que uno llego al zen del chartismo, jejejeje.

Acindar-Desarrollo canal descendente

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

Comentarios acerca de la Gestion del Dinero

Entrevistador dice:
sere curioso, ud cual valora mas?

Entrevistado dice:

Entrevistado dice:
es lo q mas me juega en contra y con el cual trato de trabajar

Entrevistado dice:
No confio en mi sistema cuando mi sistema funciona.

Entrevistador dice:
bueno uno mismo es el propio enemigo conicido 100%

Entrevistado dice:
lo que pasa es q pase x la epoca de fundicion y aun no me puedo sacar eso de encima
me quede muy conservador y con miedo a perder lo poco ganado
pero ese conservadurismo sin riesgo me impide ganar mas

Entrevistador dice:
ser consevador no esta mal..lo malo es si uno se paraliza por temor

Entrevistado dice:
me quedo con una cosa q hable con mi sra el fin de semana

Entrevistado dice:
si tenes $ 1000
Entrevistado dice:
y sos conservador por 10 años
Entrevistado dice:
podes tener $ 1200 al fin de esos 10 años si sos conservador
Entrevistado dice:
ahora si otorgas un grado de riesgo a tu trading
Entrevistador dice:
bueno eso es lo que yo hablaba de gestion de dinero..ezfuerzo beneficio
Entrevistado dice:
podes perder todo o ganar todo al final de esos 10 años
Entrevistado dice:
no quiere decir esto que debes arriesgar todo
Entrevistado dice:
sino arriesgar un % mayor al % conservador

Entrevistador dice:
yo tampoco..pewro lo ideal es buscar un modelo que te permita administrar riesgos
Entrevistador dice:
y ese modelo se mide desde la gestion del dinero
Entrevistador dice:ser conservador siempre es malo al igual que laxo siempre..el modelo te debe determinar cuando flexibilizar y cuando enduirecerse o hacerse conserva

Gestion del dinero por mantrell

Entrevista al Sr Mantrell acerca de la gestion del dinero:

-Para el trading existen 3 pilares: sistema-psicologia y manejo de dinero...cuanto le otorgas de % de utilidad a c/u?

-Yo valoros esos tres puntos. Pero a lo que le estoy dando mas bola es al manejo del dinero 50%
25 y 25 a psicologia y sitema de traiding.
Se que hay que tener sistema y psicologicamente estar apto para operarlo.
Pero aveces hay sistemas que conllevan mucho trabajo o dedicacion y no dan % de ganancia acorde con el sacrificio

-Porque 50%?

-Es muy importante para mi el manejo del dinero. Porque el sistema puede ser ganador y puedo estar apto para manejarlo psicologicamente, no obstante , puede ser matematicamente ganador, pero en $ la ganacia puede ser relativamente pobre. Medida sobre el capital o sobre el tiempo invertido en el tradeo. Igual insito los 3 puntos son importantes.

Pero por lo general uno intenta encontrar primero el sistema, pero hay que encontrarlo y seguirlo y evaluarlo desde elmodelo de gestion de dinero. El verdadero sistema ganador es el que gana en un modelo de gestion de dinero. El que sea matematicamente ganador no necesariamente puede ser ganador o rentable en la gestion.


Caso para seguir. Le llevo tiempo alcanzar el nivel marcado por la mm50. Una vez alcanzado lo hice con una vela blanca. El tema es ver si sale de esa zona.

El ADX+ interesantemente marca una salida al alza. Veamos como sigue.

Este es un caso para seguir y ver que si una vez finalizado el ciclo al alza del merval le toca el turno a las garchitas.

alpa, pronostico y desarrollo final

El 27/10/2006 el chart era :

El 15 de noviembre el resultado fue :

Canal ascendente bsud

Busqueda de techo y correccion del papel?
Buscara soporte del canal?

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2006

jueves, noviembre 09, 2006

Trading el ADX

ADX Score ADX Direction Appropriate Tech. Indicator to Use
0 - 15 Up or Down : Range - Use Oscillators
16 - 20* Up Trend : Use Trend Following Indicators
21 - 40 Up Trend - Use Trend Following Indicators
> 40** Up Be Prepared For Trend To End
> 40 - 25 Down De-trending - Use Oscillators
24 - 0 Down Non-trending - Use Oscillators

Looking Myself In The Mirror - Como otros operan opciones

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Looking Myself In The Mirror
As some of you know, I have taken time off since late last week to do some intensive trade review. Took me a few days to complete it because the backlog was...huge! During those few days when I reflected on my trades, I examined where I went wrong and what I did right. It was a good exercise which I should have done on a more regular basis. Really.Here are some of my findings and observations:General-Avoid option open interest <>=0.3I noticed that quite a number of losing trades have the above characteristics. Well actually I've noticed that quite waaay back, but I've not officially documented it down as part of my trading rules. It is not hard to see why when the spreads are considerably large, your odds of making a profitable trade is greatly reduced.Day Trades-Try to trade with market sentiment of the day. If market is bullish, look for Call Options to trade. If the market is bearish, go with put. And if the market is choppy, stand aside-Stop loss on the option should NOT exceed 15% of option price.I realised that some of my losses could have been avoided or minimised. If the stop loss worked out to be greater than 15% on the onset, such trades should be seriously re-considered to either pass it or cap stop loss at 15% and not take larger risk than necessary. Essentially, it only makes sense that my stop loss for day trades should be smaller than those for swing trades.-Use 5EMA / 10 EMA to help in determining better entry & exit-Always take some profits off the table when target is hit to lock in profits & adjust stop loss accordingly to protect remaining position if trade is still going well in my favour.I think it is one of my weakest area. And turning a profitable trade to a losing one is definitely my MOST painful one. When this type of situation happens, I'm completely devastated. I need to manage this area much better.Swing Trades-Avoid stocks in basic industries & capital goods sectors.These stocks tend to move with the market direction & they can move quite strongly. If you are on the wrong side of the trade, its not going to be a pleasant sight. These sectors are probably more suited for day trading.Feel free to chip in your comments on what you think of my findings/observation. Hearing from more of you will certainly help me to improve my trades better. Thanks!

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2006

Estocastica - Interesante manera de operar los gaps


El pibe opera con los gaps y charts de 30 minutos. Muy interesante el metodo.

Merval Argentina-Analisis resolucion triangulo anterior

* El triangulo anterior tuvo una duracion de 101 dias para resolver su destino.

* Tuvo una correccion de la tendencia a la baja del 38.2% fibonacci

* La extension desde el punto de la correccion tuvo una extension exacta del 150%

Actual :

* El triangulo actual tuvo una duracion de 83 dias para resolver el destino al alza

Ahora queda nada mas establecer un nivel de correccion. Si tomamos la pauta anterior habria que vigilar soportes en torno del 38.2% y la media movil de 13 dias : 1315-1302

martes, noviembre 07, 2006

Phi - El orden y el caos

Joey Ramone bolsero!!!!!!! La Gorda se muereeeee!!!!!

Cosas increibles nos deparan el destino a veces.....Joey Ramone bolsero!!!!!????...cosa de no creer!!!!!!!.....y pensar que la Gorda no cree en el destino....cada cual es dueño de su propio destino.......AGUANTE LOS RAMONES CARAJOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Algo parecido le debio ocurrir a Joey Ramone, el cantante del grupo punk Los Ramones. En 1998 Maria empezó a recibir e-mails de una persona que se hacía llamar Joey Ramone, haciendole inidicaciones de sus comentarios sobre el mercado, "...estas hablando muy bien de Intel, pero AMD esta ganando terreno, llamame y hablamos." Maria pensaba que el nombre era un seudonimo...pero una vez decidió responder un e-mail....y sorpresa, realmente era Joey Ramone, que además de la música tenia gran interés y conocimientos de bolsa, y establecieron una buena amistad....Hasta el punto de que en el último disco de Los Ramones (2001) hay una canción dedicada a Maria.... esta es la letra. Los amigos de Joey luego le confesaropn a Maria que éste en relidad esta coladito por elle...Ya no me soprendo por nada...Estrella de Punk (entendido en bolsa) y enamorado de la presentadora "pija" de un programa de finanzas...[*]

Maria Bartiromo

Joey Ramone

What's happening on Wall St.

What's happening at the Stock Exchange

I want to know

What's happening on Squawk Box

What's happening with my stocks

I want to know

I watch you on the TV every single day

Those eyes make everything okay

I watch her every day

I watch her every night

She's really outta sight

Maria Bartiromo

Maria Bartiromo

Maria Bartiromo

What's happening with Yahoo!

What's happening with AOL

I want to know

What's happening with Intel

What's happening with Amazon

I want to knowI watch you on TV every single day

Those eyes make eveything OKI watch her every day

I watch her every night

She's really outta sight

Maria Bartiromo (5x)

What's happening on Wall St.

What's happening at the Stock Exchange

I want to know

What's happening on Squawk Box

What's happening with my stocks

I want to know

I watch her at the big board every single day

While she's reporting you best stay out of her way

I watch her every day

I watch her every night

She's really outta sight

“El pánico causa que vendas en el bajón, y la codicia causa que compres cerca a la cima”. -Stan Weinstein
"Nunca te harás mas pobre recolectando pequeñas ganancias como tampoco nunca te harás mas rico ganando 4 puntos en un mercado de tendencia alcista."Jesse Livermore

viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

Articulos Trading Options



Options and Volatilityby Nick Katiforis
Volatility is probably the most important principle of option trading, and the one least looked at and understood by the general public when trading options. Learning the correct use of this one principle alone can make a significant difference to your bottom line.
You would probably guess that a “volatile” market is one that is characterised by extreme price movements over time. However, you need to know exactly how much the price has moved, and over what period of time, for this information to be of any use in your trading. This statistical measure is known as historical volatility (also known as statistical volatility).
Historical Volatility helps you determine the possible magnitude of future moves of the underlying commodity. This information will influence the choice of trading strategy you will use.
Professional option traders generally do not concern themselves with the mathematical computations that go into the formula for computing historical volatility. Neither should you. The important thing is to use the information to help give you an edge when trading options.
Using Historical Volatility - An illustrated example
Price of underlying commodity = 100
Historical Volatility = 10%
Figure 1
Historical volatility is expressed as an annualised figure. The 10% figure referred to in Figure 1 means that there is a 68% chance (1 standard deviation) that the price of the underlying commodity (currently at 100) will, within one year, trade between 90 and 110 (10% either side of 100).
Another example may help:
Gold is trading at $300 per ounce.
Historical volatility is 20%.
Figure 2
The volatility of 20% referred to in figure 2, means that Gold will have a high probability (68%) of trading between $240 and $360 (20% either side of $300) over a 1-year period.
If you thought the price of gold was going up and you wanted to buy a gold call option, which option exercise price would you pick? Knowing the historical volatility of gold could help you decide.
By looking at the above distribution of prices it shows that prices above $360 and below $240 have a much lower probability of being reached. This means a call option with an exercise price higher than $360 will have a much smaller probability of becoming profitable.
This information can help you determine which exercise price is most appropriate to choose for the particular strategy you have in mind. Of course these figures should only be used as a guide only, as severely trending markets can carry prices to extreme levels in the commodity markets from time to time.
From the above examples it may become apparent that the higher the historical volatility figure, the greater the price range of movement a commodity can be expected to make. Conversely, the lower the volatility, the smaller the trading range is likely to be for the underlying commodity.
But Wait, There’s More!
Whereas historical volatility is a measure of volatility that looks back in time to show how volatile the market has been, there is another measure of volatility that looks forward in time to gauge where historical volatility will be in the future. This measure of volatility is known as implied volatility. This is even more important to an options trader than historical volatility.
Implied Volatility
Apart from changes in the price of the actual underlying commodity or security, the price of an option is most affected by changes in implied volatility. It measures what option traders expect the historical volatility will be in the future. The actual option price will determine implied volatility. The volatility is implicit in the price of the option.
Implied volatility is an indicator of the current sentiment of the market. This sentiment will be reflected in the price of the options.
The Property Market – An Analogy
In the property market, the best buying opportunities usually present themselves when sentiment in the property market is flat and the expectation is that property prices will remain stagnant or even go lower. At these times property prices are said to be ‘cheap’.
By buying when property prices are ‘cheap’ and waiting for the time when the sentiment of the market is running ‘hot’, you can then sell your property when prices are ‘expensive’ and turn a handsome profit.
This same principle can be applied to options, using implied volatility as an indicator of market sentiment. Buy when implied volatility is low (flat sentiment) and sell when implied volatility is high (extreme bullish or bearish sentiment).
If sentiment in the crude oil market becomes bullish, the prices of crude oil call options will rise even before the actual price of crude oil does.
High-implied volatility means that sentiment is extremely bullish or bearish and that option traders believe there is a greater likelihood of higher or lower prices being reached in the future.
Option buyers will be prepared to pay more for the option as they think there is a greater chance of the market making a large move in their favour.
Option writers (sellers) will incur a potentially greater risk if the expected price range increases and will therefore demand a higher premium for writing options.
These circumstances lead to option prices becoming more expensive when volatility is high, and less expensive when volatility is lower.
Options that have high implied volatility compared to their past are called ‘expensive’. Options that have low implied volatility compared to their past are said to be ‘cheap’.
Your job as an options trader is to take advantage of the times when sentiment swings to extremes by instituting selling strategies when options are ‘expensive’ and buying strategies when options are ‘cheap’. The sentiment of the market will over time usually return to a ‘normal’ level somewhere in between. By doing this you gain a ‘trading edge’.
Look at instituting option buying strategies when implied volatility is at the low end of its historical range.
Look at instituting option writing (selling) strategies when implied volatility is at the high end of its historical range.
The first thing a professional options trader will do before initiating any trade is to check his volatility charts, to establish if volatility is relatively high or low compared to where it has been over the last few years, and over the last few months. This is to gauge whether buying or writing strategies are most appropriate.
Figure 3
Illustrated in Figure 3 is a price and volatility chart of gold. Option buying strategies would have been appropriate to institute when volatility was low, before the breakout in September. If the underlying market does make a sharp move in your favour:
1. The value of the option increases as the price of the underlying commodity increases (eg if gold goes up, call options will generally increase in value).
2. Volatility may rise significantly, driving the price of options higher (remember, higher volatility = higher option prices).
As an added bonus, if the market fails to make a big move, the potential loss should be lower as you would have paid less for the option you bought due to the low implied volatility.
Trading Tip
Large, explosive moves are often preceded by periods of low volatility. It is therefore a good time to initiate option buying strategies when volatility is at the low end of its historic range. In this situation buy options with plenty of time left to expiry because you never know just when volatility will break out. Give yourself time for the trade to work in your favour.
In September 1999 (see figure 3) both the price and volatility of gold exploded upwards. With volatility high, option-writing strategies were more appropriate to take advantage of the spike up in the price of gold options.
There are two reasons for this:
1. Firstly, you will receive more money for writing the option (remember high implied volatility = high option prices).
2. Secondly, if volatility is already at high levels compared to its historical range, there is statistically less chance of it going significantly higher. It is more likely to revert back to its ‘normal’ level over time.
Trading Tip
It is generally not appropriate to buy options during periods of high volatility. Both the high cost of the option and time decay are working against you. An out-of-the-money option, bought when volatility is high, requires a big price move in the underlying commodity in your favour, before expiry, to be profitable.
The same option bought when volatility is lower would firstly cost less, and secondly require a smaller move in the underlying market to become profitable. The option buyer will also benefit from any sudden rise in implied volatility as the option held becomes more expensive.
Just as it is not appropriate to buy options when volatility is high, it is also not appropriate to write options if volatility is at low levels compared to its historic range.
A sharp increase in volatility such as the one that occurred in the gold market in September 1999 (Figure 3) could see option premiums driven to extremely high levels. If you had written options when volatility was low and were forced to buy these options back after volatility exploded upwards, you could lose a lot more than you anticipated.
This situation may happen infrequently, but when it does happen, it can cause much grief to option writers who write options when volatility is low compared to its historical range.
Trading Tip
Option writing strategies should be initiated when implied volatility is high and near the top end of its historical range. Firstly, you can receive more money than if implied volatility was low (high option volatility = high option prices). Secondly, you can write ‘expensive’ options with exercise prices a long way from the current market price, with a much smaller probability of ever being reached.
An Example of an Option Writing Strategy
In late November 2000 a trade was recommended to clients in sugar. The trade was to write a put option and a call option. This strategy is known as a Written Strangle (also called a sold strangle).
Figure 4
Figure 4 shows how the strangle works. We are effectively trying to ‘strangle’ the market between the two prices (8 and 11.50) where we have written the options. We received a gross credit of USD$537.6. If the price of sugar stays between these two points at the expiry of the options, then you keep the whole premium. This is exactly what happened in this trade. The price of sugar finished between 8 and 11.50 and therefore the clients kept the premium.
In this example implied volatility was at a relatively high level compared to its historic range when we implemented the strategy. This meant that we were able to get a good premium for writing the options that were a good distance from where the current price of sugar was. Within a short period of time volatility declined. Both the 11.50 call option and 8.00 put option both lost value, which was beneficial for the strategy. This is a good example of a non-directional trading strategy that is only available to option traders.
Volatility Summary
Historical volatility is a measure of the probability of a market holding a given trading range over a period of time.
Historic volatility is based on the movement of the underlying market (eg gold).
Implied volatility is what option traders expect historical volatility will be in the future.
Low implied volatility = low option prices.
High implied volatility = high option prices.
Extreme bullish or bearish sentiment means higher implied option volatility, which also means higher option prices.
Flat sentiment found in range-bound and quiet markets will mean low implied option volatility and therefore lower option prices.

Lo mas importante en el trading...

StockTickr: What is the most common but easily correctable mistake you see traders make?

Michelle: Traders are often totally unaware of, or unwilling to control emotions, making it impossible to work at consciously channeling those controlled emotions into a focused edge. These traders, misguided and exhausted by such an emotional agenda, cannot identify, refine, and hone a methodology while consistently following a defined risk management approach. They are too wound up to let the market teach them. Their skill level remains poor, and they are no match for their competitors. The solution is to read The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas.

Lo mas importante en el trading...

StockTickr: What single lesson did you learn along the way that has helped you the most in your trading?
Dave: Patience. Patience in waiting for trades to setup. Patience in letting trades develop. I am speaking to intraday trading mostly with this as opposed to mechanical based systems.
I will also add because of it’s importance, Independence. I believe each successful trader believes in himself. Successful traders do not rely on other peoples opinions. They develop their own and are confident in those beliefs. Right or wrong.

jueves, noviembre 02, 2006


Pensar que ayer me quede en casa viendo ese horrible cero a cero de Boca y me podria haber ido a la canchita a ver al blanquinegro.....no se como voy, no se como vengoooo, al blanquinegro lo vengo a alentaaaaaaar........ TAMO TERCERO!!!!! QUE CAMPAÑA BARBARAAA!

Fénix volvió a sumar otra vez de a tres y se acercó al líder Acassuso

Derrotó 3-1 a Dock Sud, con goles de Maccarrone, Neuspiller y Godoy. El Águila buscó de entrada la diferencia y aprovechó las situaciones que generó en ataque. Quedó a 5 de la punta cuando restan 3 fechas.
El envión anímico que arrastra Fénix, tras sumar su cuarto triunfo consecutivo, se notó no sólo en el plantel sino también en la gente que ayer estuvo en el estadio municipal de Pilar para ver, entre semana, el éxito albinegro por 3 a 1 ante Dock Sud. Pero lo más importante es que empieza a soñar porque volvió a descontarle al líder del Torneo Apertura de la Primera C, Acassuso, que perdió 2-1 con Cañuelas. Con esta victoria, el Águila quedó a 5 puntos cuando restan 9 por jugar. Desde el minuto inicial Fénix fue el que intentó un poco más. Abrió la cancha pero carecía de potencia y precisión para definir las situaciones de riesgo. En el último cuarto de hora encontró la ventaja tras una buena jugada elaborada que definió Matías Maccarrone. Salió dormido en el arranque del complemento pero con el ingreso de Juan Pablo Villalba, más las proyecciones de la figura Gustavo Godoy, liquidó el pleito. Primero con un cabezazo de Sebastián Neuspiller y después con un centro de Godoy que desvió al fondo del arco Lionel Viniegra, para sellar un éxito que lo tiene como protagonista.
Mejor el localEl arranque del partido favoreció al local, que con más ímpetu y decisión fue a buscar la apertura del marcador. Neuspiller estaba impreciso, porque siempre, Agustín Cervi terminaba controlando los mano a mano. El arquero del Docke iba tomando protagonismo en el encuentro, ante un conjunto pilarense que buscaba pero no podía quebrar el cero. Finalmente a los 31 minutos y en un ataque furioso, el Águila consiguió abrir la cuenta. Pase de Neuspiller y la entrada en soledad de Maccarrone para que defina ante la salida del arquero. Antes Hugo Gianabella se lo perdía con un cabezazo que rebotó en la cabeza de Walter Alagastino y se fue por encima del travesaño. Con el 1-0, el local siguió buscando pero sin tanta presión. A partir de allí, Dock Sud, sin proponérselo, creció. Increíble. A los 33’ casi logra la paridad, cuando Víctor Malchiodi despejó rebotó en el árbitro Fernando Echenique que habilitó a Maximiliano Bonifatti. Pero allí Luciano Menón respondió y evitó la paridad. Neuspiller se perdió el segundo cuando se moría la etapa inicial. Pero otra vez apareció Cervi para evitarlo.
DormidoEn el complemento, Fénix salió dormido y el Docke con más voluntad lo metió contra un arco. A los 8’ y desde un centro sin sentido de Jorge Coria, Gianabella y Godoy miraban como la pelota pegaba en el poste y recorría todo el frente del arco. Ahí, Fénix zafó. Inmediatamente el local se perdía el 2º. Godoy encontró un mal despeje de Lionel Viniegra y cabeceó forzado por encima del travesaño. El ingreso de Juanpi Villalba posibilitó la reacción albinegra. Tomó la manija del partido y empezó a generar jugadas de riesgo. Desde su precisa pegada en las pelotas paradas Fénix llegó al 2-0, con un soberbio cabezazo de Neuspiller al 2º palo de Cervi. Partido liquidado, porque Dock Sud desapareció de la cancha. Sobre el final, a los 42’, otra gran jugada personal de Villalba, habilitó en profundidad a Godoy, quien llegó hasta el fondo y mandó el centro atrás. Viniegra en su afán por despejar no hizo más que empujarla al fondo del arco. 3-0 y a otra cosa. Pero Fénix se quedó en el festejo y en la contra, Máximo Cazenave dejó con todo el arco libre a Facundo Villalba, para el descuento. Fénix festejo un éxito más, pero sabe que depende de sí mismo para convertir en realidad ese sueño que se llama: título.

acin - Posible taza con mango???

Pego el post simplemente porque me llamo la atencion la formacion.

Por lo cual esto no quiere decir que pueda suceder. Para mi deberia realizar una correccion previa. Despues veamos como siguio.